The “Organize” step consists of discovery, definition, analysis and goals. It is our objective to get to know you, how you do things, and where you want to go. This is achieved in four (4) interrelated steps.
1. Background:
We will listen to you, learning the who, what, when, where, why and how of your current practices. It is important to focus on areas that need improvement. We do not want to re-invent; we want to help you improve.
2. Current Situation:
During this phase one of the biggest questions is, “How does this work today?” To understand we need to observe the processes, we will work with you to map the current flow of work, and we establish baseline metrics. The outcome is both a better understanding of the existing state but also a basis to select the focus of areas where the greatest improvements can be realized.
3. Outcomes Defined:
Using the above data, the next step is to outline what you want to accomplish. What are your goals? How will you know when they have been met? The focus is on areas where the most benefit will be realized.
2. Caustation:
The final step in this step consists of uncovering the root cause of what is producing the identified gaps in performance. Identification of the cause is vital and consists of applying analysis tools (e.g. 5-whys; fishbone analysis; cause effect networks) and mapping the current state as practiced.